简介:Young couple Madeleine and Neil are coaxed by acquaintance Monsieur Beaumont to get married on his Haitian plantation. Beaumont's motives are purely s
简介:The story of ten-year-old Nori plays out in Kosovo, in Germany, and on the road between the two countries. His father Gezim dominates his entire world
简介:二战中德军节节败退,但战事的失利没能阻止德军在他们的法国殖民地的大屠杀,相反德军开始了更加疯狂的屠杀。巴黎的医生于连(菲利浦•诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)由于感到城里日渐紧张的气氛,他怕家人遭遇不测,于是安排了他的妻子和孩子回乡下暂避风头。 于连送了妻子回乡不觉已过一段时间,他决定
简介:Ekah is determined to go to school in a village of fishermen where a girl child's education is considered a taboo. Her drive to break this old adage g
简介:After 15 years of friendship and peacefull life together Volfgang finally decides to marry Jana but suddenly old friend of Jana arrives - alive doll n
简介:A graduate of the Offenbach College of Design, Piotr J. Lewandowski has made his directorial debut with JONATHAN (working-title) based on an award-win
简介:1910年夏天,法国北部的斯拉克海湾。多起游客的神秘失踪事件为当地笼上了不安的氛围。Machin警长和他精明的副手Malfoy共同展开调查。他们被卷入一场奇怪而危险的爱情故事中:一方是鲁莽的Ma Loute,行为怪异的渔人之家的长子,另一方则是年轻淘气的Billie,她是富有的里尔没落贵族Van P