简介:My Kind of Country是一个全新的比赛系列,通过为来自世界各地的多样化和创新艺术家提供非凡的机会,打破了乡村音乐的障碍。童子军艾伦、盖顿和佩克每人亲自挑选了一份杰出的有前途的艺术家名单,邀请他们到田纳西州纳什维尔的乡村音乐之乡,展示他们独特的声音。比赛的获胜者将获得来自Apple Mu
简介:The first feminist vegan horror film, The Herd has been rejected by some film festivals for being too horrific or political. A number of kidnapped wom
简介:Netflix宣布开发隔离题材限定剧《保持距离 Social Distance》,这部剧由《女子监狱 Orange Is the New Black Season》主创Jenji Kohan负责,灵感来源就是#新型冠状病毒#疫情下的隔离情况。 报导指这次拍摄模式比较创新,幕后会在线上指导演员,而演
简介:The Rescue Bots are Transformers that work with a family of heroes to rescue humans from disasters. These non-violent Transformer stories are aimed at